Sunday, October 25, 2009

Who Am I?

I am no longer searching for my identity or looking to find myself, the word of God tells me that i am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood...and God has called me to further his will in the earth...
He did not make me a commoner, therefore I a not governed by common sense, I don't dress like a commoner, you won't find me in common places, doing common things...I am distinctively different from the world...I am a holy nation, God has called me to be a part of HIS body, and I am a peculiar people, in other words I am GOD's own possession...

1.) I am not what others think of me...
Many times we take our eyes off of Jesus because of what other people think of us...if people have a negative opinion of me based off of how I used to live, or are offended by the fact that now I'm living right, that's not me... I'm not what others think of me...

2.) I am not my past...
whether my past was great or terrible, whatever it is it has passed!!! So if somebody wants to keep reminding me of my past, it doesn't even matter, my past is things that happened to me or regarding me, or around me, but it is NOT me...I am not my past...

3.) I am not my environment...
whether my environment is great or environment may affect me, and it is around me, but it's not me and i will not succumb to it...i will not use my neighborhood, household, parents, family, or friends as an excuse as to why I can't live according to the standard set by Jesus to govern my life...I am not my environment...

4.) I am not my current situation...
my current situation may be great or terrible, but whatever it is i am not it...see when I think I am my current situation, when things get good then I feel good about myself, then when things get bad I feel bad about myself... when I like my current situation, then I'm filled with pride, when I don't like my current situation then I'm filled with low self esteem...

5.) I am not how I have been treated...
how people treat you can be deceiving...many times we have friendships / relationships with people that we lower our standard for to have a friendship / relationship with, and we are deceived by their treatment... Jesus chastised Peter, and kissed Judas... sometimes the people who chastise us and are hard on us love us, sometimes people you snuggle up with in a kiss will betray you...I am not how I have been treated...

6.) I am not my social status..
one of the main things that will lure you away from keeping your eyes focused on Jesus is trying to elevate your social status...wanting to be known, wanting to be noticed, wanting to be important, wanting to be this and that... or...feeling like your nothing and on the bottom of the totem pole, but I'm not the totem pole either...I am not my social status...

7.) I am who God says I am...
people can define me any type of way they want to, but I am who God says I am...and the ONLY opinion that matters about who I am is HIS...and he has told me that I am a chosen generation so it doesn't matter how the world AND the people in it want to label me... He also said that i am a royal priesthood, so it doesn't matter if my environment is common, it doesn't matter if the people in my family don't act right, it doesn't matter if everybody around me is living crazy, I am who God says I am...the only thing I have to concern myself with is how does HE defines every place or situation I remind myself that I am who God says I am... when you let the things around you BECOME you, you DEVALUE yourself... If you are who God called you to be long enough, in the end, you'll be what HE said... Not only do we have to be who we are, we have to live according to our faith, and our faith is Jesus; the author and finisher of our faith, he is the beginning and the end, and we are supposed to live and move and have our being in Him....

1 comment:

  1. wow...i have been meditating (or contemplating?) these statements for a couple of years - "I am not my environment, I am not the people around me" etc...really calms the mind on deep level, if you have problems feeling your own self...great post
