Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Gloomy State Of Mind...

When everything that COULD go wrong DOES go wrong, it puts you...
In A Gloom State Of Mind...
You've given all that you have to give and it still isn't enough...
You get to the point of total unfulfillment... Where nothing even matters anymore... You just wanna let it all go because your...
In A Gloomy State Of Mind
It seems like Everything that looks good is bad & Everything that looks bad is good...
The checker at the grocery store that says hello and always has a positive word "looks good"... but in reality she can't stand her job, her co-workers, or the piddly pay she receives for dealin wit it all...
The teenager walkin down the street with baggy saggin pants "looks bad"...but is a straight A student, has a nice job, and volunteers to feed the homeless...
The honor roll student at the high school "looks good"... but comes home err'day to an alcoholic mama passed out on the couch, and has to BE mama [or daddy] to the younger siblings...
I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover... **sigh** just thinkin bout it puts you...
In a Gloomy State of Mind...
How is it that there are people in the world that are unmotivated to do anything for themselves and get ALL the help in the world from the aid, medical & dental insurance, food stamps, and housing?? They don't wanna get a job or go to school to better their education, but are complacent & comfortable doing nothing but collectin a check... and the working class people who strive to have a better life, put themselves thru school, and struggle to put food on the tables don't qualify to reap the benefits that THEIR taxes provide for the others?? It's enough to put you...
In A Gloomy State of Mind...
Life goes thru many different paths over the course of some years... along this path has been slippery roads that has caused head on collisions, twists turns & curves where you have no clue what's around the corner, low-visibility to the point you can't even see your destination, and finally dead ends that leave you desolate...
In A Gloomy State Of Mind...
What is this Human Body of Ours??
Temple of God??
Closet full of Skeletons??
What is this Brain in Our heads??
Mind of Christ??
Thoughts & Imaginations we'd NEVER want others to know we've entertained?? or is it...
A Gloomy State Of Mind...
MAN... Emotionless...He's sitting in a cell... He's not counting days, He's counting Calendars... He's had Love... He's felt Love... He's experienced Love... After all, Love is what put him there... The Love of Money... So he gets out and dabbles in a lil bit of everything... girls... sex... drugs... fast cars... strip clubs... marriage... kids... church... now he's shown emotions... "Fear" of losing his freedom again & "Love"... The Love of Money...Does he want to be a good Man?? Does he want to be a good Father?? Does he want to be a good Husband?? Does he want to be a good Son??
ABSOLUTELY... As long as it doesn't interfere with his Love of Money...
WOMAN... Emotional...She's crying crying crying...she can't stop... everything is wrong... nobody listens to her... nobody respects her... she's lived a hard life and done a lot of horrible things, but has struggled to "get right"... She doesn't do it for herself, she does it for her kids... So they will never know the hard callous road she chose to follow, and never travel it themselves... She hollers and screams, but never gets thru... She's fighting for morality in an immoral world... She's running a race... She's been runnin it for some years now... they're hot on her heels, but she always manages to elude them... Them darn people from her past... Her heart is pounding fast... She's outta breath... She feels like she can't go on... She wants to just throw the towel in and be done with it all... but she can't... but she doesn't know what else to do so she just continues to cry cry cry... Does she want to be a good Woman?? Does She want to be a good Mother?? Does she want to be a good Wife?? Does she want to be a good Daughter??
ABSOLUTELY...but she doesn't know how... She doesn't know what's wrong...She doesn't know what the problem is... Yet, everywhere she turns and everywhere she looks she sees the problem... She's standing in a house of mirrors... Emotionless...
CHILDREN... oblivious... Swinging at the park with a big cheesy smile... spinnin around on the merry go round hangin on the end, face up to the sun & sky... like life couldn't be greater...
Playing PS2 & kickin it wit friends... recording skateboard tricks on the camcorder... runnin to the ice cream truck munchin on Hot Cheetos... like life couldn't be greater...
On the computer choppin it up wit friends... Creating graphic masterpieces... talking for numerous hours on the phone to that one special person... like life couldn't be greater...
Going to parties... bowling... skating... and spending time with the significant other that makes them feel so special & loved... like life couldn't be greater... Do they want to be good Children??
ABSOLUTELY... as long as they don't have to Grow Up!!
Children... totally oblivious to...
A Gloomy State Of Mind...
Life is Rough... Life is Cruel... Life is Unkind... Life is Callous...
What do you do when you get fed up??
Do you turn to Sin... cause you've lost patience with righteousness??
Where is the joy?? Where is the Happiness?? Where is the gladness??
They say the gratification of Sin is temporary... that the joy, happiness, and gladness you receive from sin doesn't last long...
Seems like the joy, happiness, and gladness you receive from righteousness doesn't last long either...
It's KARMA Baby!!
There's raindrops on my windowpane... I'm hangin out the window, but it's not raining... At least not from the sky...
Are You there God?? It's me Dominique...
but don't mind me, I'm just in a...
Gloomy State Of Mind...

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