Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is My Flesh In Opposition?

The way of the spirit is clear...
When I walk in the spirit I am departing from the works of the flesh (sin)
the works of the flesh (sin) will destroy your: life, family, your brother or sister (people you associate with), and your community..
when i walk in the spirit, I bear the fruit of the spirit -- the fruit of the spirit is Love, you can tell when your walking in the spirit by whether or not there is some love coming out of your life...

Galatians 5:16-17
16 But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).

17 For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit, and the [desires of the] Spirit are opposed to the flesh (godless human nature); for these are antagonistic to each other [continually withstanding and in conflict with each other], so that you are not free but are prevented from doing what you desire to do.

In Other Words, our flesh wars with the Holy spirit...

How do you know if your walking in the spirit of God??
It will be contrary to your fleshly nature...
It's gonna be what you don't want to do...
If it agrees with your flesh and makes your flesh feel good, and you really want to do it, more than likely that's not the spirit of God...
If it hurts your flesh, if it's a sacrifice to do it, and you really don't want to do it, more than likely, that's God...
That's how you know...
If it appeals to your flesh, and you really wanna do it, and your mind is coming up with ways you can get it done and not pay the price, That's not God...
But if your mind says, you ought not to do that, and your body says, i don't wanna do that, that's God...
By nature our flesh is in opposition
for example:
when God tells us to study the word; we don't want to... when God tells us to witness to somebody; we don't want to...Everything that God wants us to do is against our fleshly desires...
You had enough to eat...That's God
but i got a lil more room for a slice of pie...that's our flesh
If somebody on your job is treating you bad and God says why don't you to invite them to church...That's the unlovely
but I don't want to, we'd really rather give them a piece of our minds...that's our flesh...
when your spouse gets on your nerves, and you hear something on the inside saying "don't say nothin"...that's God
when you just have to get the last comment out and have the last word...that's our flesh...
Alot of times we say we "missed" God and we really didn't...We just check the caller ID and decided not to answer...

Works Of The Flesh

Galatians 5:18-21
18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Here's A Breakdown

(Adultery) - being married and sleeping with somebody that's not your husband or wife -- (Fornication) - being unmarried and sleeping with anybody no matter the age, stage, gender, sex, race, color, or belief system -- (Uncleaness) - just plain nasty -- (Laciviousness) - a bigger word for nasty, and stuff you just know you ought not to be doing -- (Idolatry & Witchcraft) - serving things other than an almighty God; i.e. the house you live in,the money you want, the friends you want -- (Hatred and Variance) - discord -- (Emulations) - trying to be like something other than Christ -- (Wrath, Strife, and Seditions) - being boisterous and dissentful about the things of God -- (Heresies) - fractions or creating divided motives -- (Envying) - a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.-- (Murders) - murder is more than just killing somebody; you can kill a person's purpose, or joy, or witness, or enthusiasm, you can murder somebody without physically killing them -- (Drunkenness) - All types of highs -- (Revellings) - partying -- (And Such Like) - all the other stuff you while you partying...All these things will destroy your life, family, your brother or sister (people you associate with), and your community... These Shall Not Inherit The Kindom Of God...

Fruits Of The Spirit

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Here's A Breakdown

(Love) - walking in God's unconditional love-- (Joy) - the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by God from the inside -- (Peace) - that passes All understanding -- (Logsuffering) - hanging in there, day after day and week after week and month after month -- (Gentleness) - kindly, amiable, easily handled or managed, polite,and refined -- (Goodness) - integrity, honesty, uprightness,moral excellence, and virtue -- (Faith) - committed to something; faithfulness is a time tested attribute, but not just "time"; just because you've been somewhere a long time doesn't mean you've been faithful; so you can't be faithful without time, but time alone doesn't mean faithfulness -- (Meekness) - when you have the power to destroy somebody but instead you use that power to defend them; You have the power to just wipe them out but use that strength to uphold them -- (Temperance) - self control... Against such There Is No Law...In Other Words -- there is nothing stopping you from having these fruits...

If You want to know if your hearing from God, the best question to ask yourself is:

Is My Flesh In Opposition??? If so, That's God!!!

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