Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why Men Cheat

While socially networking [lol] the other day the topic came up of "Why Men Cheat"... so as the question was posed, I was digging deep into my intellectual thoughts like hmmmm... why DO men cheat??
So the person [who shall remain anonymous] who posed the question comes back with the his reason why... curiosity!!
He goes on to elaborate that it has nothing to do with being satisfied! A man in general is just curious as to what its like to be with other women AND that its not really cheating if they're not married!! He went on to say that he knew it wasn't right leading 3 women to a promised land that didn't really exist as he had been in that position before, but its what men do, and that its not right but sometimes they cant help it... and continued to say that we were crazy if we thought couples that have been together 25+ years had never dipped out on each other at least once...
My response?? Bull!! what a cop out!! haha
Firs of all, curiosity is the desire to learn or know about something... the desire to learn or know is not committing the act!!We all face temptations everyday!! Men & Women!! We also have the power to not act on those desires and feed into those temptations... I think if you are in a mutually committed relationship married or not, if you dip out, that's cheating!! I mean lets call it what it is and stop hiding behind nouns to justify the actions...
In my opinion if you wanna play the field of love, by all means you do you boo!! But have the integrity to let your intentions be known!! A woman will respect you more if you just keep it real with her!! Be open and honest, don't force a woman to accept your "curiosity" by being deceptive.. They should have the right to choose whether they WANT to accept it or not... Then they can deal with you on YOUR level...
Personally I think that #1 Communication is key to any successful relationship, #2 is Honesty... If your significant other is fully satisfied, and I mean FULLY, meaning Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, and Sexually all the curiosity in the world wont make em dip out!! And the only way your gonna know how to satisfy your significant other is to communicate and find out what he/she likes...
as for "curiosity" well, you heard what happened to the cat... right??
that's real!!
If you agree or disagree, sound off!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I appreciate and respect all views :)

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